Vicious, Anti-Cop CNN Bludgeons ‘Live PD,’ Denigrating Hosts, Officers, Viewers (Pt. 1)

Curtis Houck | June 11, 2020
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Check out the link to the full post here from NewsBusters!

NOTE: In the interest of transparency, I’ll acknowledge my bias as a longtime fan of the now-canceled Live PD on A&E. For my Twitter followers, they’re accustomed to voluminous tweets about the show on Fridays and Saturdays. But with that, I have a unique perspective to the conversation about its cancellation and particularly CNN’s viciousness. Here we go....

CNN Newsroom took an ugly turn Thursday afternoon, coming off as vehemently anti-police and, on a far less surprising note, engaging in faux outrage and a weak grasp of reality. The reason? CNN and host Brianna Keilar decided to spend over 19 minutes conducting a show trial against the highly-rated Live PD as an evil show that preyed on Americans.

Thankfully, Live PD co-host Dan Abrams strongly pushed back on this anti-police crusade on behalf of the crew, fans, and over 600 officers the show featured.