WH’s Psaki Flips Out at FNC’s Fisher, Struggles to Answer Immigration Questions

Curtis Houck | April 19, 2021
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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki began her week on Monday with a briefing so bad that there’s no way to go but up. On Monday’s episode, Psaki arrived with a short fuse and clashed with multiple reporters over basic immigration questions and blew a basket at the Fox News Channel’s Kristin Fisher over the administration’s mixed messaging on a refugee cap.

Fisher started with an admission of confusion and an open invitation to clear things up on the White House’s flip-flopping on what number of foreign refugees could be allowed entry into the U.S.: “I’m still just a little bit confused about what changed between 1:00 pm. on Friday and around 4:30p.m. on Friday to go from, ‘We’re not raising the refugee cap to, we are raising it by May 15th.’ What – what changed in those three and a half hours?”