Alex Christy
Alex Christy | March 20, 2019
That MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough does not like President Trump is not exactly earth shattering news. Yet, the former Republican congressman always finds a new way to sound like a Democrat in his criticisms, including in a Wednesday Washington Post op-ed he wrote that made the show's admittedly liberal guests seem reasoned by comparison.
Alex Christy | March 19, 2019
Ask MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough why he is a fierce critic of President Trump and he will give you the "I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me" speech. As Scarborough tells it, he is still the same conservative that was elected to Congress back in 1994 and that unlike the Republican Party, which has debased itself in its embrace of Trump, he still cares…
Alex Christy | March 19, 2019
MSNBC's Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough seems to believe the definition of a liar is anyone who does not agree with him. In a conversation about reaching voters on Twitter and Facebook, Scarborough recalled, "I saw it yesterday in a particular debate I was having on Twitter. Not really a debate, I was putting out historical facts, facts that couldn't be debated and you can tell, people just…
Alex Christy | March 18, 2019
MSNBC's Morning Joe invited Professor Tom Nichols and Senior Fellow at the Ethics & Public Policy Center Peter Wehner on Monday morning to talk about Trump's tweeting habits and the state of the Republican Party. Nichols and Wehner, along with co-host Joe Scarborough, like to view themselves as the defenders of not just conservatism, but also of norms, institutions, and common decency in the…
Alex Christy | March 18, 2019
Evan Thomas was on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Monday to talk about his latest book, First: Sandra Day O'Connor: An Intimate Portrait of the First Woman Supreme Court Justice. In particular, the former Newsweek editor was enthralled with O'Connor's liberal views on affirmative action and abortion.
Alex Christy | March 14, 2019
Former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, best known for not winning an election, announced he was running for president and Vanity Fair's Joe Hagan was on Thursday's installment of MSNBC's Morning Joe to fawn over the newest 2020 Democratic candidate.
Alex Christy | March 12, 2019
In 2018, Stacey Abrams' national claim to fame was being a member of the Georgia House of Representatives that lost the the state's gubernatorial election and refused to accept the legitimacy of the outcome, all of which earned her the chance to deliver the Democratic response to the State of the Union in 2019. On Tuesday, her political resume resulted in MSNBC's Morning Joe heaping copious…
Alex Christy | March 11, 2019
MSNBC's Morning Joe kicked off the week by discussing President Trump's reaction to the controversy surrounding Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar and how House Democrats have responded to her dual loyalty comments. Co-host Joe Scarborough asked Jake Sherman of Politico if Trump, as part of his 2020 re-elcection campaign, would, "Continue to paint Democrats as the anti-Jewish party, despite his…
Alex Christy | March 7, 2019
On the Thursday edition of Morning Joe, Daily Beast editor Sam Stein took the bulk of his time to go after President Trump's travel ban in a segment that was supposed to be about Rep. Ilhan Omar's anti-Semitic dual loyalty statements and the intra-party fight Democrats are having over how to respond.
Alex Christy | March 6, 2019
After two days of radio silence, MSNBC's Morning Joe finally got around to discussing Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar's latest anti-Semitic comments.