Elise Ehrhard
Elise Ehrhard | June 21, 2021
Showtime’s Black Monday turned the Last Supper into a homoerotic scene with “Jesus” making out with one of his apostles and Mary Magdalene. In this week’s episode, ‘Six!’ on Sunday, June 20, Tiffany Pfaff (Casey Wilson), who runs a clothing company marketed to Christian women, discovers that her clothes are also popular with gay men. She and the company’s financial advisor, Keith (Paul Scheer…
Elise Ehrhard | June 17, 2021
The Lena Dunham dramedy Generation on HBO Max reached a new low this week when it had a cute little girl ask a gay teen couple if they were going to touch each others' penises. In the episode, 'Deepfake,' on Thursday, June 16, gay teen Chester (Justice Smith) is on a date at a roller rink with his new boyfriend Bo (Marwan Salama.) While they are awkwardly skating around the rink, a little girl…