Eric Scheiner
Director, MRCTV

Eric Scheiner is the Director of MRCTV, and has over 20 years experience in broadcasting and video production. Beginning his broadcasting career in the First-In-The-Nation Primary state of New Hampshire, politics, government spending and constitutional issues have been a major thread through his work. Eric left New England in 2005 to host the launch of the award winning 'WYOU Interactive' program for the Pennsylvania CBS affiliate before relocating to the DC area and joining with the Media Research Center.

Eric Scheiner | September 27, 2010
Debra Draper testifies before congress that mistakes in the VA system may have put veterans at risk.
Eric Scheiner | September 27, 2010
A daily digest of stories on for Sept. 27, 2010.
Eric Scheiner | September 27, 2010
President Barack Obama leaves out the word "Creator", when discussing the Declaration Of Independence at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute's 33rd Annual Awards Gala
Eric Scheiner | September 24, 2010
Comedy Central's Steven Colbert has heavy security while walking down the halls of congress.
Eric Scheiner | September 24, 2010
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not ask Democratic members of congress or Democratic congressional candidates to pledge to fight Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare.
Eric Scheiner | September 24, 2010
A daily digest of stories on for September 24, 2010
Eric Scheiner | September 24, 2010
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) would not say whether or not he will defend the Democrats’ signature health care reforms from a promised Republican offensive aimed at overturning the unpopular package.
Eric Scheiner | September 23, 2010
When responding to the House Republicans “Pledge to America” agenda announced on Thursday, which includes repealing President Obama’s health care law, Congressman Rob Andrews (D-N.J.) welcomed the debate over repealing the legislation.
Eric Scheiner | September 23, 2010
When responding to the House Republicans “Pledge to America” agenda announced on Thursday, which includes repealing President Obama’s health care law, Congressman Rob Andrews (D-N.J.) welcomed the debate over repealing the legislation.
Eric Scheiner | September 23, 2010
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano answers questions about terrorist threats at the U.S -Mexican border from Sen. John McCain.