
Eric Scheiner | February 16, 2018
Welcome to this week’s Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression This week, CNN lacks self-awareness while assessing whether the North Korean…
Eric Scheiner | February 9, 2018
In this week’s Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression Congressman Devin Nunes and Senator Ron Johnson worked to publish those controversial memos…
Eric Scheiner | February 2, 2018
In this week’s edition of Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression it’s a focus on the State of The Union – and on how the liberal media just couldn’t…
Eric Scheiner | January 17, 2018
Presidential physician Dr. Ronny Jackson said that President Donald Trump’s "overall health is excellent.”  This is clearly not what many liberal…
danjoseph | October 25, 2016
Trees cannot walk. This is an indisputable fact. But performance artists dressed as trees can, and one Portland performance artist set out to prove…
danjoseph | September 6, 2016
Remember the Chia Pet? The late '80s phenomenon that allowed first time gardeners grow their own sprouts so that they resembled an animal's fur?…
danjoseph | August 30, 2016
Vladimir Putin has been arrested!!!! Okay, it’s not THAT Vladimir Putin. It’s a guy from Florida who is also named Vladimir Putin. But considering…
danjoseph | March 8, 2016
Yeahhhhh, Boyyyyyyyy! One Salt Lake City news station decided to spice up their daily weather report by letting famed rapper and reality TV star "…
danjoseph | March 4, 2016
MRCTV's weekly rundown of the craziest news out of the world of liberalism.
danjoseph | February 26, 2016
Following Marco Rubio's claim during Thursday's Republican debate that Donald Trump would be "selling watches in Manhattan" if he hadn't inherited a…
danjoseph | February 24, 2016
Let's face it. Political infighting is the WORST! So, let's all settle down for a second, put down the yard signs and have a little bit of innocent…
danjoseph | January 29, 2016
It's Friday. You're ready for the weekend. If you're sick of politics, I understand. This entire primary process has been exhausting. So save your…