
Brittany M. Hughes | February 7, 2023
In case you needed any further proof that the left and their media water-carriers harbor absolute disdain for the average American family, here’s…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 7, 2023
It’s officially been two years since President Joe Biden first took office in January of 2021, as the 79-year-old prepares to deliver his second…
melanie.hunter | January 13, 2023
After announcing that inflation has come down for the sixth month in a row, President Biden claimed Thursday that legislation from Republicans in the…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | January 9, 2023
    Once upon a time, one had to watch “The Wonderful World of Disney,” or, more recently, “Game of Thrones” to gaze at fantasy, but viewers of…
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | January 6, 2023
Cardi B is really something else.  In a Jan 4 tweet, rapper Cardi B, commonly know for her “Wet A** P***Y” song shared what she called a “PSA!!!!”…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | January 2, 2023
  No doubt many D.C. politicians and their leftist media allies view the non-profit policy analysts at Americans for Tax Reform as a pariahs,…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 19, 2022
As if a legal paladin arriving after the FTX crypto-trading scandal served as a terrific “narrative driver” to portray all crypto traders as…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 19, 2022
Reading George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel, “1984” today gives one the impression that he infused it with dark satire, based on political…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 9, 2022
  Deck the halls with more inflation, fa la la la la. It looks like Uncle Joe’s price hike isn’t going anywhere anytime soon - despite the most…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 5, 2022
For the central-planners of each generation, the general rule has been that human beings are a scourge on the planet, only useful when we are a…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 13, 2022
    Contemporary political stories offer a lot of education, if one can get over the personality-oriented attacks and instead focus on the…
melanie.hunter | November 10, 2022
President Biden said Wednesday that he hopes that legislation that Congress has already passed, namely the Inflation Reduction Act, will provide a “…