Patrick Taylor | July 8, 2022
National Public Radio (NPR), usually known for their snobbish, “educated” audience, seems to be attempting to broaden their appeal by covering…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | May 31, 2022
So many asinine and arrogant assumptions, on their way… All thanks to the Singing Censor, Nina Jankowicz, who recently left the immoral,…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | May 16, 2022
  No one is exactly sure how long the expression, “elephant in the room” has been in usage. Some believe it to be a uniquely American phrase…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | May 4, 2022
Confirming the suspicions of many concerned observers (including this writer), video of newly announced DHS “Disinformation Governance Board”…
Kevin Tober | March 13, 2022
Head over to NewsBusters for more!
Geoffrey | February 22, 2022
Soon after President Obama picked Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court, NPR correspondent Nina Totenberg on the May 14, 2010 Inside Washington gushed…
Kevin Tober | January 23, 2022
Head over to NewsBusters for the full story!  You know the leftist media is flailing in their attempts to defend President Biden when they start…
Nick Kangadis | November 17, 2021
It’s never enough for the left. That’s why they call themselves “progressives.” There’s never an end to progression. They can’t even note a…
Jay Maxson | October 5, 2021
In a recent NPR interview with A. Martinez, Kareen Abdul-Jabbar managed to link coronavirus vaccinations with race, particularly Black Lives Matter.…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 10, 2021
The tax-sponges at National Public Radio seem to be a bit schizophrenic. Simultaneously and repeatedly, they dwell on their leftist disgust for “…