P. Gardner Goldsmith | July 7, 2023
  What’s unreal is, they tell us, real (i.e., catastrophic anthropogenic climate change). What’s involuntary is, they tell us, “voluntary” (i.e…
Sarah Prentice | July 6, 2023
Last Friday, the Supreme Court issued some phenomenal decisions to protect the liberty of American citizens enshrined in the Constitution.  To start…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | July 6, 2023
President Joe Biden quickly responded to the Supreme Court last week calling for him to end his “student loan forgiveness” under the so-called “…
Cassandra DeVries | June 30, 2023
CBS Mornings and ABC’s Good Morning America (GMA) offered dissenting opinions on the Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action ruling Friday morning under…
Peter Kotara | June 30, 2023
Friday’s Morning Joe took to bemoaning the US Supreme Court’s decision to end affirmative action policies at Harvard and the University of North…
Craig Bannister | June 30, 2023
In a landmark First Amendment decision, the Supreme Court affirmed that a website designer cannot be compelled by government to create a website that…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 27, 2023
In a ruling that is more significant than the immediate debate over wokeness, LGBTQ, “transsexuality,” pronouns, and other contemporary Cultural…
Ana Schau | June 23, 2023
Since Friday was the eve of the first anniversary of the overturn of Roe v. Wade with the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Mika…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 22, 2023
If the history of tax-backed welfarism teaches us anything, it is that the redistribution of wealth from earners to politically-selected recipients…
Cassandra DeVries | June 8, 2023
MSNBC asked three Democrats to discuss the Supreme Court’s ruling on Alabama’s redistricting plan, neglecting to acknowledge any alternate view point…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 4, 2023
    He likely won’t be as striking a figure as television icon Chuck Connors, striding down main street with his Winchester in the classic…
Craig Bannister | May 26, 2023
The nation’s farmers are cheering Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling that American citizens, not the Biden Administration, have the right to manage the…