
Brittany M. Hughes | June 4, 2021
There’s a fine line between hypocrisy and utter stupidity. And honestly, I’m not sure which side of that fence this particular liberal falls on. Her…
Nick Kangadis | May 3, 2021
Imagine being so woke you can’t recognize your own ignorance. That is the case for the majority of the Hollywood Communistic Cult, including self-…
Sergie Daez | April 6, 2021
The Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization is like the whiny child that will throw a tantrum if they don’t get what they want, just on a more…
Nick Kangadis | February 26, 2021
Does anyone think they hate something, anything as much as modern feminists hate men? They like to place every issue, no matter how minuscule, at the…
Nick Kangadis | December 10, 2020
  Thank you so much for joining me once again for a special edition of Things That Need To Said! China has been a problem for the U.S. for…
Nick Kangadis | August 4, 2020
Poison Ivy League student David Hogg just owned himself, and it couldn’t be more hilarious. Imagine being such a severe sufferer of Trump Derangement…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 9, 2020
A young women recently accepted to Marquette University, a Catholic Jesuit university in Wisconsin, now says the school interrogated her and…
Clay Robinson | July 7, 2020
Popular social media app TikTok may be banned in the United States over national security concerns, according to a report from Reuters. “I don’t…
Clay Robinson | July 3, 2020
Harvard graduate Claira Janover lost her dream job at Deloitte after posting a TikTok of her threatening to “stab” anyone who said “All Lives Matter…
Beau Davidson | June 2, 2020
  Conservative TikTok star Topher of Tophertownmusic discusses race, riots and the media with MRCTV's Beau Davidson. Topher shared his thoughts…
Nick Kangadis | May 8, 2020
Like Will Smith opined once upon a time when he was still a legitimate rapper, "Parents just don't understand." A Texas woman on the social media…
Dan Montanaro | March 26, 2020
It seems the trend of licking things on camera and hoping the internet likes it continues, as 21-year-old social media influencer “Larz” went viral…