Business and Media Institute

kbrown | April 10, 2006
Often, government programs that fit a liberal agenda get the more benign label of “federal funding.” Journalists call attention to spending that…
kbrown | April 10, 2006
Often, government programs that fit a liberal agenda get the more benign label of “federal funding.” Journalists call attention to spending that…
kbrown | April 5, 2006
CNN’s Jim Bittermann interviews an aspiring French bureaucrat in a café about his fight against a law making it easier to fire lazy workers.
kbrown | March 29, 2006
ABC’s George Will reminds This Week panelists that in the 70s, the media warned of a coming Ice Age.
kbrown | March 29, 2006
There’s no need for balanced coverage when there is no other side. Or so says ABC’s Terry Moran, declaring the debate over global warming over.
kbrown | March 22, 2006
NBC’s Lester Holt acknowledges his network plays up gas price increases but loses interest when prices fall.
kbrown | March 22, 2006
Best job market since 2001 goes unnoticed as major media still not convinced that 4 ½-year economic expansion is for real.
kbrown | March 22, 2006
While Paris riots over labor law changes, Fox’s Amy Kellogg reports on why the European economy lags well behind the U.S.
kbrown | March 20, 2006
‘In the Money’ co-host admits the media ‘fanned the flames’ of the bird flu scare, although so far to little effect.
kbrown | March 15, 2006
Now that the Dubai ports deal has been sidelined, some in the media are beginning to wake up and smell the protectionism.
kbrown | March 15, 2006
Economists agree with the Bush administration that say we can kiss hefty chunks of investment bye-bye after the Dubai debacle.
kbrown | March 8, 2006
Dr. Irwin Redlener worries about the uninsured in the event of a bird flu pandemic.