Bill Maher

Jack Coleman | January 23, 2017
Good question, Bill! As heard on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, Jan. 20, 2017.
Brent Baker | November 14, 2016
Four clips from days after the 2016 presidential election: > Bill Maher Friday night on his HBO show, Real Time: “They’re going to get rid of…
melanie.hunter | November 7, 2016
In an interview with HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," President Barack Obama said Friday that "there's no economy that doesn't have some socialist…
Brent Baker | October 31, 2016
On Friday’s (October 28) Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, CNN’s Van Jones, a CNN political contributor and former czar in Obama’s White House,…
Jack Coleman | October 31, 2016
A side of filmmaker Michael Moore that he's managed to keep hidden until the prospect of Democrat Hillary Clinton getting elected president, as…
Jack Coleman | October 8, 2016
Comedian Bill Maher shows why he's probably not the best person on the left to go after GOP nominee Donald Trump for vulgar and demeaning remarks he'…
Brent Baker | October 3, 2016
In his “New Rules” segment on Friday’s (September 30) Real Time on HBO, supposed comedian Bill Maher delivered a particularly personal and vicious…