Columbia University

Brittany M. Hughes | April 21, 2017
A vocal contingent of students at Columbia University now say they’re mad over a statue of Thomas Jefferson located on campus, claiming the effigy…
ashley.rae | December 14, 2016
Columbia University is investigating a report of a hollowed-out book containing materials that “bear resemblance to Nazi imagery” allegedly found…
ashley.rae | December 1, 2015
Students at the prestigious Ivy League Columbia University can enroll in a course for the Spring 2016 term dedicated to the premise that “racial…
ashley.rae | September 4, 2015
Columbia University’s new affirmative consent campaign is being criticized for trivializing consent and appropriating “African American Vernacular…
ashley.rae | June 5, 2015
  Emma Sulkowicz, the infamous "Mattress Girl," has released a pornographic video including violent sexual acts that "resemble rape." On the…
Brad Fox | March 24, 2015
Some people like to focus on past hurts and defeats and let that define them, a rare few push forward.  Jason Everman was a guitarist for both…
MRCTVone | December 3, 2012
Robert Thurman, professor of Indo-Tibetan studies at Columbia University in New York City