Global Warming

Brittany M. Hughes | April 23, 2020
More than 26 million people are now without a job in the United States. The dominos are starting to fall on small businesses, large companies,…
Brittany M. Hughes | April 23, 2020
Amid tens of thousands of people dying and millions more falling into economic despair thanks to the global coronavirus outbreak, CNN’s Bill Weir has…
Brittany M. Hughes | April 8, 2020
Pope Francis has a theory about the coronavirus: that it’s the Earth’s vengeance for climate change. Yep, you read that right. Hundreds of thousands…
Nick Kangadis | February 13, 2020
Despite being the scourge of the globalist community for daring to leave the Paris Climate Accord, the U.S. appears to be leading the way in reducing…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 10, 2020
The BBC, apparently short on material despite there being about 7 billion people on the planet with all manner of incredible stories to tell, is set…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 3, 2020
Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg, best known for leading school-walkouts in support of combatting global warming but….well, not much else, has…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 7, 2020
While progressives were busy blaming “climate change” for the deadly brush fires that have devastated Australia in recent weeks, authorities from New…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 16, 2019
Just days after being named TIME magazine’s “Person of the Year,” teenage Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg is catching flak for a deceptive…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 11, 2019
Ah, truancy. The very hallmark of courage and valor. Or at least, that’s what TIME magazine seems to think, as they’ve officially named Great…
Eric Scheiner | December 5, 2019
Politicians often make promises. Recently in Iowa Sen. Elizabeth Warren made some interesting ones. She told her supporters she'll stop …
Brittany M. Hughes | December 3, 2019
Congressional Democrats have flown off to a climate change conference in Spain this week where they’ll discuss why air travel is bad for the planet…