
Dawn Slusher | January 6, 2022
ABC’s racist comedy black-ish fan-girled so hard over former First Lady Michelle Obama during her cameo appearance on Tuesday’s episode, “That’s What…
Gabriel Hays | December 21, 2021
Bette Midler has a history of mean-spirited and obnoxious tweets, even by the standards of Hollywood progressives. But Midler has outdone herself. …
Gabriel Hays | December 20, 2021
In 2021, you think you’d be hard pressed to glean the true meaning of Christmas from Hollywood. However, some haven’t completely forgotten the most…
Dawn Slusher | December 14, 2021
Most of us know that Hollywood is a liberal propaganda machine, but it isn’t often that you’ll catch someone in Hollywood admitting that they’re…
Gabriel Hays | December 13, 2021
The latest garbage political opinion from Hollywood involves a writer for the beloved Muppets series making a lefty political point about a horrific…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 8, 2021
In case you were unclear on this point, Hollywood celebrities are not political experts. And, in case you needed further proof of this rather…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 3, 2021
Bette Midler says words. Unfortunately for her - but very fortune for those of us with both a brain and a sense of humor - most of those words are...…
Nick Kangadis | December 2, 2021
I don’t know what kind of backwards society we’re currently living in where either criminals or people who aren’t victims are portrayed as victims. “…
Elise Ehrhard | December 2, 2021
This week, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia hilariously mocked Hollywood wokeness as the gang tried to make an "anti-racist" movie that can be "…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 24, 2021
If you needed any more indication of just how far into the gutter our culture has sunk, you need look no farther than the fact that Lil Nas X, a…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 23, 2021
The polls are closed, the votes have been tallied, and it's official: Reese Witherspoon wins the award for Dumbest Possible Take following the Kyle…
Brittany M. Hughes | November 22, 2021
“Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling is firing back at a group of pro-trans activists who took and shared photos of her private residence on social…