Monica Sanchez | March 27, 2017
(Image via Twitter) Despite how ISIS has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack in London that left four people dead, 29 injured, a senior…
patrick.goodenough | March 22, 2017
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Wednesday that many ISIS terrorists are not attracted to the terrorist group because of impoverished…
Nick Kangadis | March 2, 2017
It’s not like anyone said things like this would happen — oh wait, they did! Intelligence officers are now saying that ISIS terrorists are hiding…
Monica Sanchez | February 28, 2017
(Image via Twitter) President Trump during his address to Congress Tuesday night discussed his administration’s goal to “demolish and destroy ISIS…
Monica Sanchez | February 27, 2017
(Image via Twitter) Former President George W. Bush in an interview on “Hannity” airing Monday night discussed U.S. counterterrorism efforts.  He…
Nick Kangadis | February 22, 2017
Do you remember all of the instances people argued against releasing prisoners from Gitmo? Well, here’s a prime case to support that side of the…
Nick Kangadis | February 17, 2017
Have you ever heard the name, Linda Sarsour? If you don’t know who this woman is, you should. Sarsour is a Palestinian-American activist, and the…
Nick Kangadis | February 16, 2017
When you threaten an animal’s way of life, that animal will attack in the name of self-preservation -- and Allah, of course. The world’s…
Nick Kangadis | January 25, 2017
(Image: Screenshot/YouTube) So followers of the Islamic faith in countries that are predominantly Muslim never have to assimilate into any other…
Zach Montanaro | January 19, 2017
In his final press conference as president, Barack Obama reiterated to the press that he has spoken extensively with President-elect Trump, and…
Monica Sanchez | January 16, 2017
(Image via Twitter) The FBI on Monday arrested the wife of the Orlando nightclub terrorist, more than seven months after the deadly attack in June…
Monica Sanchez | January 7, 2017
(Image via Twitter) Miami FBI Special Agent George Piro said in a press conference on Saturday that the suspected gunman who opened fire at the Ft…