Ted Cruz

Monica Sanchez | May 3, 2016
(Image via Screenshot) Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) dropped out of the 2016 presidential race on Tuesday after a loss in the Indiana primary to GOP…
Ben Graham | May 3, 2016
Presidential candidate Ted Cruz made a stop in Evansville, Ind., where a reporter asked him to comment on fellow candidate Donald Trump’s…
danjoseph | May 3, 2016
If you thought the 2016 election cycle couldn’t get any more bizarre, you were wrong. GOP frontrunner Donald Trump decided to double down on this…
ashley.rae | April 28, 2016
Transgender icon Caitlyn Jenner thanked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for coming out in support of allowing transgender people to…
Monica Sanchez | April 27, 2016
(Image via Twitter) Ted Cruz named Carly Fiorina as his vice presidential running mate on Wednesday. The Texas senator made the announcement at a…
Monica Sanchez | April 25, 2016
(Image via Twitter) In an appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity” Monday night, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz discussed his strategic alliance with Ohio Gov. John…
Monica Sanchez | April 25, 2016
(Image via Twitter) Former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina is being vetted by Ted Cruz’s campaign as a potential vice presidential…
Monica Sanchez | April 25, 2016
(Image via Screenshot) During a rally in Rhode Island ahead of the state’s primary on Tuesday, Donald Trump slammed his GOP rivals Ohio Gov. John…
MRCTV Contributor | April 25, 2016
In a statement late Sunday night, Cruz’s campaign manager, Jeff Roe, said that the campaign would “focus its time and resources in Indiana and in…
Monica Sanchez | April 20, 2016
A recent Gallup poll shows Republicans wary of the ongoing 2016 presidential primary season, with 63 percent saying that the continuing battle for…
Monica Sanchez | April 11, 2016
(Image via Twitter) Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) campaigned in California on Monday, first in the state’s conservative bedrock of Orange County and then…
Nick Kangadis | April 11, 2016
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan told NBC News that the agency will not participate in any “enhanced interrogation…