Brad Wilmouth
bradwilmouth | October 8, 2023
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Saturday morning, as MSNBC's Ali Velshi devoted his eponymous show to covering the terrorist attack by Hamas that had already killed hundreds of Israeli civilians, the liberal weekend host joined one of his anti-Israel guests in trying to see moral equivalency in a terrorist attack versus legitimate defensive actions by the Israeli military. Velshi…
bradwilmouth | October 5, 2023
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Wednesday's The Source show, CNN host Kaitlan Collins cheerfully put on display the liberal media's fixation on Americans who identify as transgender as she devoted a three-minute segment to celebrating Nashville electing a transgender member to its metro council. As council member Olivia Hill tried to emphasize job qualifications instead of…
bradwilmouth | October 3, 2023
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Monday afternoon, MSNBC host Chris Jansing used her eponymous show to hype recent extreme weather and promote the alarmist views of environmental activists Michael Mann and David Lipsky while also promoting their books. Jansing began the segment by hyping an usually hot autumn day in Minnesota that led to the cancellation of the Twin Cities Marathon…
bradwilmouth | September 28, 2023
PBS NewsHour September 27, 2023 7:31 p.m. Eastern GEOFF BENNETT: A new Pew Research study has confirmed what you might already suspect. Americans feel intense dissatisfaction with the way our government currently works and a growing distaste for both political parties. One of the main voices calling for sweeping change is Danielle Allen, a political theorist at Harvard. Judy Woodruff followed…
bradwilmouth | September 26, 2023
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog Over the weekend, there was a stark contrast in the way CNN weekend anchor Jim Acosta slanted his coverage of illegal immigration to the left while his more independent-minded colleague, Michael Smerconish, used his Saturday morning show to actually inform CNN viewers on the issue in a way that one normally sees on Fox. On Sunday evening, the more…
bradwilmouth | September 25, 2023
Over the weekend, there was a stark contrast in the way CNN weekend anchor Jim Acosta slanted his coverage of illegal immigration to the left while his more independent-minded colleague, Michael Smerconish, used his Saturday morning show to actually inform CNN viewers on the issue in a way that one normally only sees on Fox. On CNN evening, the more liberal Acosta demonstrated that he is still…
bradwilmouth | September 24, 2023
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog Appearing as a guest on MSNBC's The Sunday Show to discuss the retirement of Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch, former CNN media analyst Brian Stelter took part in historical revisionism to put all the blame for political division in America on Fox. Name-dropping the title of his new anti-Fox book, Stelter excoriated the outlet as a "network of lies" and…
bradwilmouth | September 5, 2023
The first point is that we are looking at an historically small number of swing states that will almost certainly decide the winner in 2024. You know, there are 40 states that have voted the same way in each of the past four presidential elections
bradwilmouth | September 2, 2023
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Saturday, CNN weekend anchor Jim Acosta engaged in his latest liberal activism by promoting an anti-gun group that lobbies teens by portraying guns as making people more unsafe in spite of all the evidence of self-defensive gun use. Setting up a pre-recorded piece by report Polo Sandoval, Acosta informed viewers: "A group of young online influencers…