Craig Bannister
Craig Bannister | March 15, 2017
The day after MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow’s failed attempt to expose scandal by obtaining a 12-year-old tax return of President Donald Trump, the network still couldn’t resist blanketing its website with articles on the topic. On Tuesday, Maddow said she had obtained Trump’s tax return and would examine it on her show that night. And, even though her report failed to produce a scandal, showed that…
Craig Bannister | February 2, 2017
National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) President and CEO Juanita Duggan met with President Donald J. Trump in a small meeting at the White House on Wednesday to explain why small business owners are enthusiastically supportive of the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the United States Supreme Court.  “I’m very grateful to the President for inviting me to the White House to…
Craig Bannister | February 2, 2017
Even before Tuesday’s Berkeley riots protesting a conservative speaker, Ben Shapiro was warning that a dangerous new "form of Fascism" is being used to intimidate, threaten and silence conservative views on the nation's college campuses. Shapiro, Editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire, issued the warning in an exclusive interview with MRCTV after violent protesters disrupted his speech at California…
Craig Bannister | February 1, 2017
Democrats were quick to attack Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch – based on WHO he ruled for, NOT on whether the ruling was legally justified. The opposition to Gorsuch voiced by Democrats is based on identity politics and ideology, not the rule of law, so they criticize him for being the wrong type of ideologue. Basically, they simply don’t like the people or organizations Gorsuch ruled for or…
Craig Bannister | January 31, 2017
Two protests were held a week apart in the Nation’s Capital in January: the Women’s March on Washington (Jan. 21) and the March for Life (Jan. 27). But, while both profess to be “pro-women,” their tactics couldn’t have been more different: One employed violence, vulgarity, hatred and threats to shock, offend and intimidate, The other peacefully relied on prayer and persuasion to make its point…
Craig Bannister | January 30, 2017
The Federal Express (FedEx) driver who rescued the American flag in a viral video won’t be punished, the company announced after the deed turned out to be immensely popular with consumers. Matt Uhrin, sporting his FedEx uniform, intervened last Thursday when anti-pipeline protesters in Iowa City, Iowa, began to burn the American flag. He tussled with the protesters, denounced them – and even…
Craig Bannister | January 27, 2017
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Pres. Donald Trump made a solemn vow to dedicate his life to ensuring "the forces of evil never again defeat the powers of good." The president's full statement, marking the Jan. 27, 2017 anniversary of the day in 1945 when Russian forces liberated the surviving prisoners of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, follows: “It is with a heavy heart…
Craig Bannister | January 27, 2017
At Friday’s March for Life in the nation’s capital, National Football League star Ben Watson had a message for the media shunning the event. The Baltimore Ravens tight end stressed the importance of media attending the march, seeing it for themselves, and reporting on the event to the American public: “We need you, media, here covering this like you cover everything else." “Life is…
Craig Bannister | January 27, 2017
Donald Trump has more than 22 million followers on Twitter, but the president personally follows only a select few Twitter users – and those are dominated by two overriding themes. More than half (22) of those Trump (@realDonaldTrump) follows on Twitter have one thing in common: “Trump.” Sixteen actually have the word “Trump” in their Twitter handle (Trump Golf, Trump Waikiki, Ivanka Trump, etc…
Craig Bannister | January 25, 2017
NBC, famous for reporting fabrications, sought out two agenda-driven psychologists willing to diagnose Pres. Trump as an “extremely dangerous” liar perpetrating a “sophisticated attempt to gaslight” Americans.’s “Mental Health” section recruited a couple of psychologists to psychoanalyze Trump’s claims about the size of the Inauguration Day crowd in a piece titled, “Some Experts…