The 5 Dumbest Liberal Tweets of the Week

danjoseph | November 14, 2014

There are three things that are guaranteed in life; Death, taxes and liberal celebrities saying dumb things on Twitter.  

Because there is a seemingly infinite supply of source material, MRCTV is proud to present the first of what we hope is many installments of  "The 5 Dumbest Liberal Celebrity Tweets of the Week".

Let's start off this week's list with comedian DL Hughley:

Obviously the "D.L." stands for dumb liberal but that's a really easy joke and honestly I can do better. I apologize. 

 Mia Farrow is a big government liberal. This tweet makes it sound like ISIS is building a liberal paradise in the Middle East!  She should join up.  I'm sure they would love to have her.  Jane Fonda can go with her and show her the ropes.

This tweet was in response to something that Senator Marco Rubio said in May.  I'm not sure why it took Modine so long to respond.  But we know it couldn't be due to Modine being bogged down with acting jobs, so there must be some other reason for his tardy Tweet.  

The Family Guy creator is sad that Republicans want to create 50,000 jobs by building a pipeline that poses absolutely no danger to the environment.  In other news, at least 1,817 people just retweeted political commentary from a guy who is about to make a sequel to a movie about a talking teddy bear  that drinks and hangs out with hookers.  

Finally, we have this Veterans Day Tweet from the Democratic Party.  Here's a thought Democrats.  If you want to let the vets know how much you care about them, how about not letting the VA hospitals kick them off waiting lists for treatment that they desperately need?  Or throwing away the gains that they fought and died for in wars allowing our enemies to gain a foothold in the region?   But at least we know that President Obama appreciates our fighting men and women.  How else would he keep his suit dry?

Those are our five dumbest liberal celebrity tweets for this week.  If you see any really dumb liberal celebrity musings on Twitter, be sure to send them our way and we might include them in our next installment.