The 5 Dumbest Tweets of the Week

danjoseph | May 1, 2015

Friday, May 1st is "May Day" and this week could not have been a better week for the thousands that celebrate socialist revolution.

Not only did thousands take to the streets to riot and insist that American police are racist and unfairly brutalizing black people, before any of the facts in the Freddie Gray case were known.  But, as a bonus, self-described "socialist" Senator Bernie Sanders announced that he would be seeking the Democratic nomination for the presidency. (You really have to give Bernie some credit.  He's the only Democrat in Washington who is actually willing to ADMIT that he's a socialist.)  

But this week's dumb Tweets mostly come from those who were showing support for the agitators and rioters who are causing chaos over the death of Freddie Gray. For example, the Community Relations department for the city of Cleveland saw what was going on and decided to ask their followers if they should join in on the fun.



The problem with this tweet is the hash tags.  

Anyone who has been to Cleveland knows that there are some excellent arguments to be made that the city should be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up.  But, promoting riots against police like in Ferguson and Baltimore and burning down the city is absolutely the wrong way to go about it.  

Fire is difficult to control and we wouldn't want anything to happen to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame or LeBron James. 

But, to answer the question, I'm guessing that the majority of the people in Cleveland would not want to see their city burned down.  After all, their new ad campaign encouraging tourists to come to the city is bound to bear fruit very soon.




It's really great that Michael Moore has finally come to understand the benefits of personal gun ownership.  Now, all we have to do is send all of those responsible gun owners into America's inner cities and have them get to work at putting an end to gang violence. That, or just stay in their homes all day and wait to be robbed.

This plan, of course, would increase the need for a far more aggressive neighborhood watch programs in towns across the country.  So, we have to assume that Moore has also changed his mind about George Zimmerman.

Moore really has to make up his mind.  




Now, I'm confused.  

During the Ferguson riots, almost everyone on the left condemned the rioters while claiming that the peaceful protesters had a right to be heard. Since they can't seem to get the facts in these cases to match up to their favored narrative, that talking point has evolved into actually endorsing the rioters behavior as "legitimate"?

It's a good thing these rioters probably can't read. Because, if they got a hold of these articles, we would have millions of little Che Guevaras roaming the streets and every single one of them would be looting computers so they could log in and get their marching orders from 

It seems that the liberal blog Vox got on the "support the rioters" bandwagon, as well.

This whole situation is a progressive's dream come true.  We always knew that violent revolution against authority has been viewed by the left as a completely acceptable modern tactic. But, progressives haven't been willing to say that because they knew it would be viewed with abject disgust by most Americans. It probably still is.

But now, leaders in the leftist blogosphere are arguing that the rioters aren't actually rioters.  They're freedom fighters!! This sounds eerily similar to the defense of Islamic terror groups that some on the left have made in order to excuse the current worldwide Jihad being waged against the United States. 

That kid in the picture.  He's like a modern day George Washington!  The burning police van in the Salon Tweet is like the equivalent of the Bastille burning in Paris in 1879.

It's moral equivalency at it's finest.  But it's necessary.  

Why? Because liberal policies have utterly failed at fixing problems like poverty and crime that have permeated America's inner cities for decades.  

When all else fails, scream racism and throw a brick.  Because rethinking your ideology would be far too embarrassing.  

So, what was Obama doing while Baltimore burned?

Go to the next page to find out.



Now, everything makes sense!

Given Obama's economic record, if math was his BEST subject, he must have really sucked at history. 

It's the obvious explanation for what we've seen over the last six years.  The race riots, the chaos in the Middle East, creating a new entitlement to try and fix the healthcare system, Ben Affleck playing Batman (Okay, Obama probably had nothing to do with that last one.  That was probably Biden's idea.)

But, if history repeating itself has ever had a poster child, it's Obama.

At least, this kid was smart to shut him up, before he could do anymore damage to his fellow students.

When I saw that video, I was all like, hooray.......

Then i was like.....

I think NBC has found the solution to their problem. 


5. LANGUAGE WARNING (Lena Dunham Alert)

Why is that crazy?  Men aren't supposed to do that.  Lena shouldn't be surprised that no one does it when they see her barreling down the street at them.  I mean, is that where we are in our society? Women get offended that not enough homeless men masturbate when they see them walk by? Maybe you're just not their type, Lena, I mean......huh?  Oh, you mean she meant.......?  Hahaha.  Yeah right!

Nice try, Lena.  

And, as if we needed any more evidence that Lena Dunham is the queen of sexual arrogance. (As if that wasn't apparent, since she thinks we all want to see her naked all the time.)



It must be nice for Lena to know that she has something in common with strangers that she passes on the street.  

In such a big city, it can be difficult to find someone who shares your views.