The 6 Dumbest Liberal Tweets of the Week

danjoseph | December 23, 2014

This week's selection of dumb tweets runs the gamut from dumb to super-dumb.  But, one Tweet in particular set the bar really high.  

Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons typically Tweets inspirational messages that would look really good on one of those motivational posters that you see in offices and classrooms.  But, Simmons got political when Americans and many in the media started questioning Mayor de Blasio's handling of the recent protests in New York City and connecting them to the deaths of two NYPD officers last weekend. He subsequently took the Tweet down, but everything lives for eternity on the Internet and if someone grabs a screen shot, it still counts as a Tweet.

But, it's a very instructive tweet because, in the minds of many, it's the kind of attitude that Simmons exhibits here that actually helped set the vile tone that helped lead to the tragic police deaths.  So, perhaps, the angry "Black Lives Matter" protesters and their supporters, like Simmons, are the one's who need to start policing themselves.  

Doesn't take a genius to see the hypocrisy here.  After months of the left using the deaths of Mike Brown and Eric Garner to bash what they view as "Institutionalized racism" in law enforcement, despite the fact no evidence that said racism existed in either case, Salon's Joan Walsh suddenly decides that conservatives are the ones who are politicizing tragedy. Walsh must have forgotten about the Democratic members of Congress who went to the House floor and put their hands up, imitating what Michael Brown probably didn't do before he was shot.  If you attended any of the "Black Lives Matter" rallies, Socialist groups and anti-Wal Mart protesters were all over the place trying to piggyback on the deaths of Garner and Brown to get support for their causes.  

Mayor de Blasio may not be directly responsible for the death of two police officers, but criticism of his handling of the protests and criticism of the vile rhetoric that was commonplace among the protesters themselves is absolutely justified when you look at what was going through the mind of the man who murdered those two NYPD officers.  It's not politicizing the incident.  It's just pointing out that some people acted stupidly and that their stupidity has made the situation much much worse. 

Well, we wouldn't want you to suffer from headaches, Mia.  Please go to Cuba and stay there forever.  

Columnist Jamilah Lemieux found an interesting way to connect a movie depicting the death of one of the world's most vicious dictators with "white privilege."  Perhaps, Jamilah is a supporter of Kim Jong-un's Socialist paradise. Maybe, she's a big Dennis Rodman fan. Maybe, she's just unfamiliar with the horrors that the Kim family dynasty has brought upon the North Korean people over the last 60 years.  Either way, here's the rule: if it's a dictator that you'd kill in real life and not feel bad about, then it's totally okay to kill him in a fictional setting.  Hitler, Quadaffi, Pol Pot, Mao, Saddam, Stalin; all guys whose deaths would have made the world a much better place had they happened before they had the opportunity to destroy millions upon millions of lives. But, I guess since Kim Jong-un is Asian we have to take Seth Rogans' white privilege into consideration here.  I wonder if Jamilah would be as mad if Ang Lee had directed the film, instead. 

The STUPIDEST? Really.  I'm pretty sure I can think of some stupider ones.  Let me go through my little book here.  I'll just go back about....oh.....I don't know...say six and a half years? Should be plenty of examples to choose from. 

Yes.  And that bill will be worth about 25 cents in 2014 dollars by then. So, I guess he'll deserve it.  Obviously, Obama's picture would be on the front of the bill. But, we should also probably replace the picture of the White House that's on the other side of the twenty with a picture of the back nine at Augusta.  

That's all for this week.  Merry Christmas! And Feliz bennifited to all of America's new legal residents who benefited from the Obama amnesty.  

See you next year!