Bill Maher Lectures Fellow Liberals on Tolerance, Defends Dolce and Gabbana

Ben Graham | April 2, 2015

In a surprising turn of events, Bill Maher took it upon himself to hold his fellows accountable for facets of their own hypocrisy. He lectures other liberals, telling them that, for a group so devoted to the idea of diversity and inclusion, they sure seem ready to berate anyone who does not agree with them one hundred percent.

“Yes, we joke about everybody here and that’s something a lot of liberals have forgotten how to do. For folks who take such pride in their love for diversity, liberals increasingly seem to tolerate none in their own ranks.”

He even makes some sense, what should be common sense, when he tells them that there are obviously bigger fish to fry. Take for example, ISIS.

“In Syria, ISIS is throwing gay people off buildings. Maybe there are bigger battles to fight.”  

You can see the full clip here, though, be warned that Maher lives up to his identity and uses a lot of crude and explicit language: