Bills Safety Cancels Charity Golf Event After Leftists Complain It's on Trump's Course

John Simmons | June 26, 2023
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Buffalo Bills safety Jordan Poyer wanted to host a celebrity golf tournament in Florida to help raise money for charity on July 10. However, multiple teams and organizations that originally planned on participating backed out at the last minute - and over an incredibly immature reason.

Poyer’s tournament was to be held at the Blue Monster course at Trump National in Doral, Florida. And the fact the course belongs to the 45th president was enough to bother left-wing participants from going.

The supposed beneficiary of the event was ECMC Foundation, whose mission is to provide “support organizations and institutions that provide high-quality programs and support to students and learners from underserved backgrounds.” They’re basically trying to level the playing field so that underrepresented communities can break through “systemic barriers” that prevent them from getting college educations. It’s a woke group to be sure, but not as bad as some others.

Poyer, who leans conservative on most political issues, was willing to put aside any potential differences to support an organization that he believed worked toward a worthy goal. But the entitled leftist celebrities who were going to have a day of playing golf in the Sunshine State couldn’t, and people they could have helped now won’t get any assistance. Talk about pettiness.

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Poyer released a statement saying that he was disappointed that this was the course of action many had taken, though the safety didn’t specifically say how many withdrew.

He also shared in an Instagram post how he was dismayed that this situation is a microcosm of the state of divide our country.

"I hope that we could get past that and it seemed we did, but we haven’t," Poyer said. "It seems like our egos get in the way of being a good human being. (Not) sharing love, sharing conversations, sharing laughter with people who may not believe in the same things that you do, it’s a huge problem in America right now. Our egos taking over the majority of our lives. A lot of us don’t even know who we are anymore. We’re run by that ego self, run by the materialistic side, run by the things that don’t really matter.”

Poyer will be back next year hosting another tournament. Maybe then everyone will have gained a little maturity and be willing to play golf to help people in need - even if they don’t like the name of the course.

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