There is actually a website that keeps track of how many people have been harmed or killed during the maniacal phenomenon that we know as Black Friday shopping. It’s called the “Black Friday Death Count,” and, according to the site, seven people have died while more than eighty more have been injured during the annual shopping frenzy since 2008.
From lethal car crashes to violent Walmart shoppers, there are many reasons to take a step back and question ourselves about what is really important in life. You can’t get much worse than hundreds of people stepping over a collapsed man who would then succumb to a heart condition while sprawled out on a Target floor. When did someone’s life start becoming less valuable than saving a few bucks on a new television that people probably don’t really need?
There’s a decent-sized list on the website, all with links to news articles, that you can peruse for a stark reminder of the madness Black Friday has become notorious for. Isn’t funny how we go from giving thanks to coveting new things in the span of just a few hours?