Dem Congressman Ends His Heroic 'Thirst Strike'...After 8 Hours

Sarah Merly | July 26, 2023
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If you want to be progressive, do something totally normal–and then disguise it as completely radical. You’ll go viral.

Representative Greg Casar wanted to put on a grandiose, self-worshiping display of his solidarity with Texas workers who work in “extreme” heat without sufficient hydration. His idea? To avoid eating and drinking for eight hours.

“Today, I’m on a thirst strike on the steps of the U.S. Capitol–not drinking water or taking breaks, through rain or shine, in solidarity with our nation’s workers,” Casar tweeted Tuesday. “Currently there are NO federal protections for workers exposed to heat.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 2127 into law on June 14. According to NBC reporter Denise Chow, the new law “eliminate[s] mandatory water breaks for construction workers in cities where such ordinances had been in place to protect people from extreme heat.”

The bill itself, however, does not directly mention water breaks or hostility to lower-class workers, as Casar and other Democrats have implied.

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“The purpose of this Act is to provide regulatory consistency across this state and return the historic exclusive regulatory powers to the state where those powers belong,” the law reads. “The provisions of this code preclude municipalities or counties from adopting or enforcing an ordinance, order, rule, or policy in a field occupied by a provision of this code unless explicitly authorized by statute. A municipal or county ordinance, order, rule, or policy that violates this section is void and unenforceable.”

But leftists know that such dry text cannot possibly instigate a widespread emotional response without a bit of spice. So after Casar announced his “strike” on Twitter, he “livestream[ed] his medical checkups as he called for federal heat protections for workers, including water breaks.”

“In the past, during the civil rights era, when governors in the South did terrible things, people of conscience in D.C. stepped up and did the right thing,” Casar said. “And I think we’re called upon in this moment to do the same to pass national heat protections to give everybody the right to water.”

Then, after a whopping eight hours and accompanied by great applause, Casar broke his strike–and confused many Americans.

“I intermittent-fast twice as long,” Twitter user Lisa Bedford remarked. “Where’s my press coverage??”

“8 hours?” another user asked in disbelieving sarcasm. “So anyone that slept from 11pm to 7am yesterday also participated in this thirst and hunger strike? So basically several billion people did this yesterday?”

Most of the people who gave Casar a figurative pat on the back were either uninformed or wealthy enough to profit off the drama.

“We joined @RepCasar and Dolores Huerta at their thirst strike,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Texas just passed a law blocking water breaks for construction workers. President Biden can stop it by implementing a heat stress rule. It’s time for the President to act. #WorkersCantWait”

Congressman Chuy García added to Ocasio-Cortez’ “solidarity.” “Water is life and water breaks save lives. Proud to stand alongside the legendary @DoloresHuerta and my hermano @RepCasar during his thirst strike to demand @POTUS implement a federal heat standard. #WorkersCantWait”

Apparently, even liberals know that the only way they can gain true support for their progressive policies is to make up problems and then demand solutions from other people. 

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