In a major move that clears a path for more whistleblowers to speak, Donald Trump’s Department of Justice Friday saw United States District…
Kids are usually taught that if you're bad, you get lumps of coal on Christmas. But if you're extra bad, you might end up with hot lead, instead.…
Early each semester in political-economics classes, I try to show students all the forms of pernicious statism, i.e. forced collectivism, and one of…
What the heck is going on in our public schools? Because between all the stories of teachers having sex with their students and coaches getting…
The family of a 7-year-old Texas girl who was killed by an illegal alien in a drunk driving accident earlier this week is demanding answers and…
6:40 PM
VANESSA HAUC: A girl who was only two years old was found on the southern border without any adult in…
Since the recent election victory of Donald Trump, a growing cadre of Democrat politicians on the state and city levels have announced their…
Radical left Marxists are totally unhinged, especially after the re-election of President-elect Donald Trump. And some politicians and members of the…
A lot of people and companies have moved from California to Texas in the last few years, and there’s one thing that original Texans always say — ‘Don…
The Associated Press gave the Biden administration a fright on Halloween night, publishing a story exposing how the White House deliberately altered…
GREG ABBOTT: Texas is aggressively going after these foreign terrorist organizations of TdA.
REINA RODRÍGUEZ: At a press conference, Texas Governor…
If what appears to be happening in the video below is actually being suggested and advised, there will certainly be questions as to methods and…