Dems at Hillary Speech: Change Name of Our 'Jefferson-Jackson' Dinner

danjoseph | June 30, 2015
The left has always claimed to be the party of tolerance and sensitivity to minority populations and has never hesitated to remind conservatives of just how insensitive we are. Interestingly enough, across the country Democrats participate in annual dinners named for two Democratic presidents that didn't have the most sterling record when it came to sensitivity and compassion for minorities. 
Virginia Democrats held their annual "Jefferson-Jackson" dinner on Friday at George Mason University.  Named for President Thomas Jefferson who owned slaves and for President Andrew Jackson who is largely held responsible for the deaths of thousands of native Americans. Hillary Clinton was the featured speaker.
I interviewed these loyal Democrats and reminded them about some of these historic black marks on the legacies of those that they were venerating at the dinner and whether the name of the dinner should be changed out of sensitivity to those minorities who were enslaved or killed due to the actions of Jefferson and Jackson. All but a few recognized the inconsistency but some still favored maintaining the "tradition" even if the dinner's title wasn't in synch with the modern Democratic Party's proclaimed values.