Jihad Dolls Seized at Israeli Port

danjoseph | December 8, 2015

4,000 stuffed dolls portraying a rock-throwing, scarf-adorned Jihadist and painted in the colors of the Palestinian flag were seized by Israeli authorities at a port in Haifa. The dolls were adorned with nationalist phrases like, "Jerusalem, we are coming," and were confiscated because they were deemed to be "inciting dolls," which could promote violence against Israeli citizens.

The dolls were sent in a shipment from the United Arab Emirates and were headed for sale in the Palestinian territories. The box containing the dolls was labeled as containing clothing and carpet, but after an x-ray screening, the actual contents were discovered.

Clearly, they were not meant to be Christmas or Chanukah gifts. The aifa port's customs manager, Kobi Yahav, said, "Customs units will continue their day to day work in preventing smuggling attempts to Israel. We place special importance on weapons and incitement materials, especially in times like these."