LA Police Investigating 'Hate Crime' After Finding a Burnt Pride Flag

Brittany M. Hughes | June 1, 2023
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Police are investigating a “hate crime” after a "gay pride" flag was found torched outside a North Hollywood elementary school in Los Angeles.

Because, of course, with all the murders and assaults taking place every four seconds all across the city, the cops in L.A. clearly have nothing better to do with their time than launch a full-scale investigation into a piece of burnt fabric - especially when it symbolizes one of the left’s most protected voter bases.

According to this, Los Angeles Police Department Deputy Chief Alan Hamilton said the flag - or, at least, what remained of it - was found on May 22 inside a potted plant at Saticoy Elementary School, the same school where a group of parents had expressed outrage at the school’s hosting a “Pride” event scheduled for all students on Friday.

Likely because they’d prefer their prepubescent children to be taught the basics of reading and math, not how to schedule gender reassignment surgery or why Mr. Sam used to be Ms. Susan. But hey.

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The cops now say they’re looking into the situation as a "hate crime" carrying a misdemeanor charge. And the scene of the apparently horrific crime looked like, uh...well, this:


“The investigation is ongoing. It is a vandalism hate crime. The hate crime is still significant, but it is a misdemeanor,” Chief Hamilton said Saturday.

Parents associated with the planned boycott Friday said they’re unaware of anyone having burned a Pride flag on school property.

Hey! Maybe it was the alphabet mafia symathizer who threatened a whole bunch of Targets with bombs after the chain moved their “tuck-friendly” bathing suits and gender-bending baby onesies to the back of a few stores. Of course, police would have to actually make an arrest in that case for us to find out.

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