POLL: Economy Once Again Americans' Top Concern

danjoseph | February 12, 2016

A newly released Gallup survey finds that the economy has overtaken terrorism as Americans' number one concern.

The poll finds that 17 percent list the economy as their top concern while only 7 percent view terrorism as the most pressing issue facing Americans.

In December 2015, 16 percent of Americans viewed terrorism as their to concern following the attacks in Paris and San Bernadino while 9 percent said the economy was most important. 

Government itself was the second greatest concern on the list at 13 percent. The number of people saying that immigration was the issue that required the most attention doubled from 5 percent in December to 10 percent in February. 

When broken down by party identification, Democrats and Independents listed the "economy" as their top concern by wide margins while Republican listed "government."

The poll was based on telephone interviews conducted Feb. 3-7, 2016, on the Gallup U.S. Daily survey, with a random sample of 1,021 adults.