SCHULTZ: 'What's Your Favorite' Liberal Policy?

danjoseph | March 16, 2015

Last Friday, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Tweeted out this: 

So what do you think people?  What's your favorite liberal policy achievement?  Obamacare?  The recent government takeover of the Internet?  Segregation?  There are so many to choose from!  Vote for your all time favorite and let Debbie know which one of the Democrat's brilliant policies has helped our country the most.

What's Your Favorite Democratic Policy Achievement
Govt. Control of the Internet
Takeover of the U.S. Healthcare System
Allowing ISIS to Take Over Iraq
Tax Increases
Improved Race Relations
Executive Amnesty
New EPA Regulations
Spike in Golf Outings
Allowing Joe Biden to Speak in Public
Poll Maker