The taxpayer-funded Smithsonian National Museum Of African American History and Culture website showcases a graphic on aspects and assumptions of White Culture In The United States.
The National Museum of African American History & Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of whiteness: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, more. (via @RpwWilliams)
— Byron York (@ByronYork) July 15, 2020
The “Talking About Race” Section of the webpage contains a graphic that reads:
“White dominant culture describes how white people and their practices, beliefs, and culture have been normalized over time and are now considered standard in the United States. As a result, all Americans have all adopted various aspects of white culture, including people of color.”
According to the graphic, there are some signs of whiteness to be aware of:
- “Rugged individualism”
- “Hard work is the key to success”
- “Nuclear family, father, mother, 2.3 children is the ideal social unit”
- “Emphasis on Scientific Method”
- “Objective, rational linear thinking”
- “Self-Reliance”
- “Plan for future”
- “Adherence to rigid time schedules”
- “Avoid conflict, intimacy”
They made the list downloadable as well so you can print it out and keep it with you while on the lookout for whiteness, click here for the PDF.