While public schools are rife with grooming, incompetent staff, and underachieving students, Milwaukee’s public school system has gone after a…
Welcome to Woke of the Weak where I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, crazy clips and stories that the left thinks is tolerable…
There are countless examples of unbridled racial hatred seeping into academia under the guise of “anti-racism.” The latest example of this trend is…
There’s nothing funnier than a “guilty, white liberal,” and I don’t mean a “laugh with” kind of funny, more of a “laugh at” level of humor.
This week, Fox's new show Our Kind of People attacked "white ownership" and "whiteness" while calling the violent, communist Black Panther Party "…
Critical race theory is making more than a few waves throughout the parenting community and frankly, among anyone with a lick of common decency.…
If you composed a screed claiming that possessing certain Asian, African, or Jewish characteristics was “a malignant, parasitic-like” condition “…
The leftist, Cultural Marxist, postmodernist abuse of language and intimidation-through-empty-accusation continue to ramp up, this time at world-…
The Smithsonian is out with a handy new infographic to tell us all about “whiteness.”
According to them, things like a healthy family, hard work,…
The taxpayer-funded Smithsonian National Museum Of African American History and Culture website showcases a graphic on aspects and assumptions of…
There’s nothing quite as intellectually eye-opening as the puritanical, self-righteous virtue-signaling of a contemporary collectivist.
A sociology professor at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, is facing a firestorm of criticism after declaring that “whiteness is terrorism”…