Last Thursday, the student government at Middle Tennessee State University overwhelmingly voted to ban “safe spaces” from their college campus.
The lopsided vote (33 “Yes” to 6 “No”) is the latest salvo in the battle against political correctness run amok on our nation’s college campuses.
The move comes as more and more colleges are being accused of oppressing certain types of speech, which they deem as being “insensitive,” in an effort to protect students from getting their feelings hurt.
MTSU Student Senator April Carroll made the following statement after the vote:
“I saw from YWLS 2016 what safe spaces were doing across the nation. I saw how politically correct my college campus was getting. As an elected SGA Senator At-Large, I used my ability to create a resolution to discourage safe spaces at Middle Tennessee State University. With some push back from MT LAMBDA that was quickly resolved, it passed committee and onto our Senate floor. After much deliberation, it was passed.”
Middle Tennessee State joins the University of Chicago in its rejection of the use of “safe spaces” to quell the free speech rights of its students.
In a letter to incoming freshman sent last August, University of Chicago Dean of Students John Ellison wrote:
"Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so-called 'trigger warnings,' we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial, and we do not condone the creation of intellectual 'safe spaces' where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own.”