One day after last week's horrific terrorist attacks in Paris, France, Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT) stood by his belief that climate change is a greater national security threat than Islamic terror. He staunchly reiterated this view in the second Democratic presidential debate last Saturday.
MRCTV visited Iowa that night, where Sanders supporters were gathered to watch the debate in a local movie theater in Des Moines. We asked some of Bernie's fans whether or not they agreed with their candidate in his assertion that climate change is a greater threat than Islamic terror. While Sanders didn't waver in his view during the debate, the Sanders supporters that we talked to were less sure that global warming was the most pressing national security threat. In fact, some of them thought that Sanders should back away from his previous statements in the wake of the Paris tragedy.
One even went so far as to say that "We need to cleanse our inner-ecology ('the ecology of the spirit') first," before we take on climate change.