Viral Video of Baby Struggling to Swim is Making Some Parents Furious

Ben Graham | May 6, 2016

People are having strong reactions to a Facebook video of a 6-month-old struggling to keep its head above water. The video was captioned: “So hard to watch but every kid should learn this young.”

It is indeed hard to watch as the baby floats on her back and making sounds as if she were about to cry. But perhaps you can take comfort in the fact the baby’s mother is right there in the water with her.

One commenter believes the child has gone through infant “self-rescue” training, though that context was never established in the video

The comments are starkly divided between those who applaud the video and those who are beyond disgusted, with some believing the girl’s parents are using her for attention.

“Child was not in any danger,” wrote Missy Mendoza. “There were obviously adults around and the baby was doing well. Great parenting. Showing others how this teaching can save lives.”

“I can't f-ing watch this. This woman is crazy!!!!,” said Marsha Joseph. “The baby can't even talk. The baby probably already knew how to swim from the womb. The parents just found out one day and said, 'Let's video tape this, just to show how impressive the baby was.” 

“They are selfish animals exploiting the child for a little attention. They suck!!” she added.

What do you think? Is this enlightening, or exploitative by the girl’s parents? Let us know in the comment section below.