'Whites Only' Sticker Vandal Says He Did It to Prove You're 'as Stupid as You Are'

Ben Graham | March 23, 2015

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you took progressive liberal ideals and stuffed them into a washed-up, middle-aged hack lawyer? Meet Adam Reposa and laugh, hard.

Self-proclaimed "bad-ass liberal social justice warrior" Reposa has gained a small fifteen seconds of fame after he went out of his way to put up those "Exclusively for White People" stickers you may have heard of. Strictly for the purpose of exposing the "gentrification" that is supposedly going on in Austin, Texas.

He has posted videos on YouTube (in both of which he is lacking a much-needed shirt) and writes at a middle school level on his Facebook page, both accounts titled "The Technology."

He says, “Why I did it is pretty clear. Because it would be obvious.” and "The people without money are getting f***ed. They’re getting pushed out, and pretty quick. This area of town is turning into white’s only. Not by law like it used to be, and everyone’s going to jump on, ‘that’s racist!’ ‘that’s racist!’ Man, this town, the way s*** works is racist! And I knew I could just bait all of y’all into being as stupid as you are.”

He's a piece of work, right?

See the video below:

(WARNING: Video contains explicit language)

Are you laughing yet? Because you should be.