Wolverines Against Racism Turn Spring Game Into Kaepernick Platform

Jay Maxson | April 3, 2022

Perennial free agent and race hustler Colin Kaepernick staged another dog and pony show Saturday in hopes of returning to the NFL.

With University of Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh, the Detroit Lions and Spike Lee watching, Kaepernick passed to undrafted receivers at the Wolverines’ spring football game in Ann Arbor. The unusual event was sponsored by Wolverines Against Racism, and the Big Ten network aired Kaepernick’s latest pathetic attempt to attract an offer from an NFL team. 

Harbaugh (looking on as Kaepernick speaks to his team, in photo) coached Kaepernick previously when he was a member of the San Francisco 49ers. In 2016, Kaepernick recorded a dreadful 1-10 won-loss record as he staged pregame protests against the U.S. by kneeling during the national Anthem, called America an "oppressive" nation, and began the first of his many insults against police officers. 

USA Today reported the Lions had “unspecified personnel” in the Michigan Stadium press box watching the ex-quarterback's tryout. 

People Magazine’s Abigail Adams reported that Lee is working on a documentary for ESPN Films detailing Kaepernick's attempts to return to the NFL. He was joined by “some elite company” and served as Michigan’s honorary captain for the day, she added. 

After yet another of his workouts, Kaepernick told Detroit Radio WXYZ’s Jeanna Trotman he is “absolutely” ready to play in the NFL again.

"We still get out there and sling it," Kaepernick said: "Really, getting out here for the exhibition was to be able to show that I can do that. It's one of the questions my agent keeps getting was, 'Well it's been five years, can he still play?' So we want to make sure we can come out, we show everyone I can still play [and] still throw it." 

The former NFL pariah also stated he can make a team better and is "really just looking for an opportunity for a door to open" and a "pathway" back to the NFL, saying his goal is to lead a team to a championship. 

Ironically, in a Netflix documentary titled “Colin In Black and White” which aired last fall, Kaepernick accused the NFL - which he also sued on a charge of collusion, ultimately reaping millions in a settlement - of using pre-draft events as “slave” markets. Now, they are useful tools to get back into the NFL.


People’s Adams reminded all that Kaepernick led a crusade against “racial injustice, police brutality, and systemic oppression," while NBC’s Pro Football Talk liberal host Mike Florio called the event an act of “genius” by Jim Harbaugh. 

But that may not be enough to compensate for Kaepernick's lack of football chops. An Outkick blog by Alexandro Avila quotes Clay Travis, of the EIB Southern Command, stating on Twitter: 

“As long as your talents exceed your problems, you’re always going to be employed in the NFL. #DeshaunWatson proves that. #ColinKaepernick is just not that talented and he brings with him a lot of baggage.” 

Despite the support from Spike Lee, Coach Harbaugh and many in the media, the NFL needs to “Do the Right Thing” and keep Kaepernick out of the league.