Adopting the personality and lifestyle of a modern day leftist typically means you suffer arrested development
In the name of taking down “unfair” and unattainable social norms, we’ve allowed the weakest and most unhappy members of our society to take the rest…
It’s beyond time for an open letter to all the race baiters and virtue signalers who think those of us who do not toe their thin line of dogmatic…
For an entire year, we’ve seen what woke is in its purest, form…and it’s a lot uglier than a hairy man in a dress.
Woke of the Weak: The Left Wants 'Certain' People to Drown
Celebrities, I don't know why you haven't gotten the memo yet, but your expertise and opinions are as valid as a drunk spewing politics. It's the…
It is not difficult to see the pipeline from being mentally unstable to becoming a histrionic leftist. Some studies indicate a correlation…
You'd think our bloviating elitists have realized they've pushed themselves into a corner, where they have to pick which woke cause is more important…
Well, it's that time of year again. American parents everywhere are getting ready to fork over another $75k so their students can be trained to…
Elitists have been crapping on the good ole’ USA for a long time. But if you think America can’t already become more woke, just see what our friends…
The DNC hadn't even kicked off yet, before attendees were greeted by a mass mob of screaming He/she-s for Hamas
Have you heard about the stunning and brave athletes decolonizing this year's Olympics with their... Breakdancing?
And if you don't like it, then…