
Brittany M. Hughes | March 8, 2018
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, whose hatred of Jews is even more palpable than his open disdain for America, has actually had the gall to…
ashley.rae | March 23, 2017
In a far cry from the rampant anti-Semitism that has allegedly plagued the country in the wake of President Trump’s election from emboldened neo-…
ashley.rae | March 3, 2017
A Jewish cemetery in New York was vandalized Tuesday evening, making it the third Jewish cemetery damaged in recent weeks. CNN reports the…
MRC Contributor | March 3, 2017
On Friday, police arrested left-wing journalist Juan Thompson of St. Louis, Mo., for reportedly making empty bomb threats against Jewish Community…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 22, 2017
Less than a month after berating the Trump administration for not specifically mentioning Jews in a statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day, liberal…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 2, 2017
Apparently, there’s been a recent nationwide rash of bomb threats being made against Jewish community centers, with nearly five dozen made  during…