
Eric Scheiner | April 18, 2018
The ACLU filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against the city of Los Alamitos, California after the city’s official adoption of an ordinance "exempting"…
Nick Kangadis | April 12, 2018
Another day, another California town adding their name to the list of cities fighting back against the “sanctuary state law.” The Westminster City…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 10, 2018
The leftists in California are at it again, this time making a legislative move so stunning, so counter to the traditions of the state, one might…
Nick Kangadis | April 10, 2018
If you don’t think Socialism exists in the U.S., it’s to wake up. College campuses are havens for Socialist activity, and one California college — go…
Monica Sanchez | April 5, 2018
UPDATE 6:58 p.m. local time: Police have identified the suspect as Hugo Gonzalez of the City of Fontana. “At this point, investigators believe that…
Monica Sanchez | April 5, 2018
President Trump on Thursday doubled down on his controversial claim that “millions of people” vote illegally in U.S. elections. Trump at a…
Monica Sanchez | April 3, 2018
According to The Orange County Register, the Huntington Beach City Council Monday night voted 6-1 in favor of suing California over its “sanctuary…
Nick Kangadis | April 3, 2018
Update (4/3, 6:25 pm): NBC News has reported that authorities have confirmed the death of the female shooter in question: A woman opened fire…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 27, 2018
It looks like one California county has found an innovative way around the Golden State’s asinine sanctuary laws protecting illegal aliens.…
Eric Scheiner | March 22, 2018
Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) said her sentence with a smile, but made a strong point about sanctuary cities. “If these dangerous policies…