The Daily Wire

P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 7, 2021
Once again, Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire show how well they can expose leftist hypocrisy and the falsity of “care” through the force of government…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 25, 2021
Why is it that the phrase, “you can’t make this stuff up,” seems to pop up more and more when watching politicians and bureaucrats? In this case…
Sergie Daez | March 15, 2021
According to the Daily Wire, the United States Army is reportedly considering the removal of the “gender-neutral” Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT),…
Bryan Michalek | July 19, 2017
Feminist writer Jody Allard found herself at the center of some much-deserved public scrutiny after writing a post for her blog "Role Reboot" where…