Instead of taking care of her disabled patients, one so-called “healthcare worker” from Georgia posted videos of herself twerking on their heads.
6:39 PM
LESTER HOLT: In Georgia, a legal victory today for President-Elect Trump. An appeals court disqualified Fani…
Multiple CNN journalists proved to the world that they were living in a liberal political silo Tuesday night, as they could not give a reason to…
My high school chemistry teacher unexpectedly left during Christmas break. We were told the reasons were “emotional and psychological,” and the…
ProPublica has taken a break from generating fake controversies about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in order to start generating fake…
Presidential candidate Kamala Harris and the abortion hysterics in the mainstream media turned one mother’s tragic death into a PR field day.
RACHEL MADDOW: And in the, you know, noble, alternate version of this history that we’d like to imagine we would be part of, the whole country would…
Move over gender-benders - now, interspecies "identity" is all the rage.
Children in a public school classroom in Georgia were reportedly shown a…
[See NewsBusters for more.] Donald Trump going up against Joe Biden is not the only thing familiar about the 2024 presidential election. There is…
One might be bewildered to discover that some principled defenders of the right to keep and bear arms are supporting a Georgia bill that ostensibly…
What do leftists do when their narratives are shot to hell by reality? Blame Trump. Blame whitey. Blame the victim. Blame the outraged and hurt.…
There’s a lot to appreciate when contributing to MRCTV’s ongoing coverage of the train wreck that is the absurd “reparations” movement, and,…