
Curtis Houck | June 24, 2024
Check out the link to the full post here from NewsBusters! On Sunday afternoon, a anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas mob went hunting for Jews near a Los…
Aidan Moorehouse | August 4, 2022
See the full article on NewsBusters. With Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaking at CPAC in Texas on Thursday, CNN ran a segment on Thursday…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 23, 2020
CBS Boston recently reported on a “charming” holiday story erupting in Durham, NH, the town that hosts the leviathan of tax-subsidization called the…
Nick Kangadis | November 20, 2017
It’s time to add another entrant into “This Week in Stupid Observations!” The new Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. opened this past weekend,…
ashley.rae | June 26, 2017
(Image source: Twitter) A gay pride march in Chicago ejected attendees for carrying flags emblazoned with the Star of David to signify Jewish…
Nick Kangadis | June 16, 2017
People in power who have no understanding of Islam or Sharia Law are constantly attempting to downplay some of the more radical aspects of the Muslim…
ashley.rae | June 16, 2017
The media has taken on the task of policing Ivanka Trump’s piety. Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, are both Orthodox Jews. Trump converted to…
ashley.rae | February 23, 2017
(Image source: Twitter) On Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence rolled up his sleeves and helped the cleanup efforts at a Jewish cemetery that was…
ashley.rae | July 22, 2015
After Inside Edition reporter Zoey Tur threatened to send Breitbart Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro “home in an ambulance,” Tur took to Twitter to…
MattH | June 28, 2011
One former governor who resigned in disgrace hosted another disgraced former governor Monday evening on CNN's In the Arena. The topic was New York's…