New York

Eric Scheiner | May 2, 2018
The termination of terms in New York moves forward. The words "fireman" and "policeman" could soon be scrubbed from all official state statutes.…
Nick Kangadis | April 30, 2018
You gotta feel bad for a good portion of the people in Canada, because their government has become so inept that they make our average American…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | April 27, 2018
Leave it to the leftists to claim they are all for “women’s rights” and “choice”, while lambasting those rights if a woman opts to behave in ways the…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 9, 2018
The benevolent dictators in New York want to start mandating to look less appetizing so that teenagers won’t eat them. Because you know what’s going…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 7, 2018
The benevolent dictators in New York are attempting to mandate that Tide change the look of its laundry pods to look less appetizing so less children…
Eric Scheiner | February 1, 2018
  Wednesday marked the deadline for nearly 400,000 New York handgun owners to register with state police as New York begins compiling a…
Nick Kangadis | November 7, 2017
The bottom line at the end of the day for any business venture is that money does the talking. But, according to a recent advertising event held in…
Nick Kangadis | October 31, 2017
Update (8:58 am, 11/1): According to Fox News: The man accused of plowing into New York pedestrians Tuesday had a printout of an ISIS flag in his…
Nick Kangadis | October 11, 2017
Seriously, these Hollywood “stars” need to stick to what they’re good at — lying on camera instead of lying in real life. Former actress (or maybe…
Bryan Michalek | September 15, 2017
According to a local report, a Black Lives Matter branch from New York will be heading to Richmond, Virginia to counter-protest a planned rally in…
Nick Kangadis | August 30, 2017
Whatever your stance on the personal character of Christopher Columbus, I think any sane person would agree this attacking of inanimate objects has…