Second Amendment

Andrew Mullins | September 20, 2016
In a year that has seen some of the deadliest mass shootings in recent memory, a school district in Bandera County, Texas, decided to take safety…
Daniel Pickert | September 13, 2016
Katie Couric received criticism earlier this year for her portrayal of gun owners in her documentary, “Under the Gun.” Now, it’s coming back to haunt…
Alissa Lopez | August 15, 2016
If any of my family members found out I engaged in such a rally, I would be pulled out of college faster than you can say Jack Robinson. But if…
Monica Sanchez | August 10, 2016
(Image via Screenshot) Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton told her supporters at a Wednesday rally in Des Moines, Iowa, not to let…
Thomas Murray | August 1, 2016
A new Texas law went into effect on Monday that allows people over the age of 21 and with a concealed handgun license to legally carry handguns on…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 6, 2016
Someone shoots up a nightclub? Ban all guns! Gun store follows the law and screws over a terrorist? Crickets.  
Thomas Murray | June 27, 2016
With the debate about gun control still raging after the terrorist attack in Orlando, it's good to be reminded why so many Americans strongly…
Alissa Lopez | June 15, 2016
On Wednesday, The National Rifle Association agreed to meet with Donald Trump in order to further discuss how to prevent terrorists from obtaining…
Eric Scheiner | June 15, 2016
Brittany M. Hughes | June 9, 2016
A federal court just ruled that U.S. citizens have no constitutional right to carry concealed weapons. Gun owners in two California counties had…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 24, 2016
If President Obama's goal truly is to whittle down the Second Amendment until it's no more than a blurry inkstain on the U.S. Constitution, it's…
Monica Sanchez | May 20, 2016
(Image via Twitter) Donald Trump tweeted on Friday an audio clip of Hillary Clinton criticizing the Supreme Court as “wrong on the Second…