A report issued by the National Opportunity Project (NOP) has revealed that public school districts across America have been creating ideological…
People growing up in the city of Chicago have about a one in fifteen chances of being shot by the time they turn 40, results of a new survey suggest…
When it comes to Christmastime, people often fondly remember a Norman Rockwell or Thomas Kincade-esque scene with soft, glowing lights, gently fallen…
It’s not enough for puritanical, anti-constitutional politicians and their bureaucrat acolytes in the COVID Cult to engage in fear-porn pantomime.…
Despite the claims of racism run rampant in the U.S., a new study finds that America has actually become less racist, not more, under President Trump…
For more, see the cross post at the MRC's NewsBusters blog
The results of the following study about liberal arts colleges really shouldn’t surprise anyone who knows about the indoctrination going on in the U.…
In 1994, criminology researcher and then-professor at Florida State University, Gary Kleck published a groundbreaking study in which he determined…
(photo: wikipedia commons)
Which will have the biggest impact on children and result in their parents purchasing local farm products:
Polls are so subjective. Case in point: the results of this particular survey even shocked the poll-maker.
The Queen Elizabeth II Academy for…
The U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE) has discovered a way to turn every man, woman, child and flatulent cow on the planet into an energy source – and…