With how polarized the divide in the U.S. seems at times between the right and the left, the results of a recent poll should come as no surprise to…
More Democrat voters think it’s “very important” to send military aid to Ukraine than feel the same way about securing the U.S. border, results of a…
The findings of an online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The Heartland Institute found that 21 percent of “Likely U.S. voters who voted by absentee…
Trends in polling from the last five years are showing that Americans are becoming more conservative in their opinions on transgenderism and other…
More than two-thirds of American adults now say that transgender athletes should be allowed to compete only against athletes of the same birth gender…
Across the board, majorities of American adults reject gender ideology, when it comes to the number of genders, school indoctrination without…
Most Americans aren’t familiar with the ESG investment movement, which uses its financial resources as a cudgel to coerce companies into compliance…
Fully 84% of voters want the U.S. government to take action to address the privacy and security threats posed by the popular video-sharing app TikTok…
Last Friday, The Washington Post published an article revealing the results of its six-month old survey revealing that the majority of American…
“California’s economy is the envy of the world,” Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) boasted Monday, proclaiming May “Small Business Month” in the…
Republicans that are members of Congress — and even some that are — don’t really see Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in a good light.…
Everybody has heard of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) - better known as "AOC" - mostly because of her frequent use of Twitter. She is…