Jpoor | August 24, 2010
Claims Americans are ‘lucky’ to have Treasury Secretary and Fed Chair Ben Bernanke.
Jpoor | August 23, 2010
Noted trends tracker Celente criticizes Obama administration over spending, bailouts, unemployment.
Jpoor | August 21, 2010
Burchfiel on 8/21
Jpoor | August 20, 2010
MSNBC's Chuck Todd explains how uses Target boycott to motivate liberal voters to participate in Minnesota gubernatorial election.
Jpoor | August 19, 2010
FreedomWorks chairman explains the Chicago Mercantile Exchange reporter’s impassioned plea countered ‘baffled liberals’ and started the movement.
Jpoor | August 18, 2010
Lib talker says not giving to candidate facing obscenity charges ‘wrong’ since Koch Industries and NewsCorp gave to Republican Governors Association.
Jpoor | August 18, 2010
MSNBC host bewildered that Republican candidates would use the threat of higher energy taxes supported by Democrats as campaign fodder.
Jpoor | August 17, 2010
‘The Young Turks’ host advocates ‘mandatory’ charity in the form of what he deems is a ‘reasonable tax rate.’
Jpoor | August 16, 2010
WaPo’s Frank Ahrens Suggests Krugman, Kudlow as Potential Romer Replacements
Jpoor | August 13, 2010
Santelli: Too Much Fed Intervention is Artificially Stimulating the Housing Market